About Maryam

Maryam Sayyad

I practice the art of creative and responsible scholarship. With a PhD in Mythological Studies, an arts background, a philosophical mindset, and an evergreen urge to distill meaning from myths, I can be found researching, writing, and speaking about mythology, or otherwise creating noetic events.

I took an oath at Pacifica Graduate Institute to “tend the soul of the world” which I have taken to heart. Concurrently with running Kosmos, I serve as Director of Art and Education for Cross Cultural Expressions (CCE) where my work involves bridging the wisdom of myth and folklore with the wisdom of psychology. As an event director for Namah Ensemble, I’ve had the pleasure of co-creating Twilight of the Empress with a team of masterful artists and support from the LA Dept of Mental Health. This multimedia mythological musical is scheduled to go on stage at the Plaza del Sol Performance Hall on May 15, 2024. Learn more

In grad school, I was honored to be a Joseph Campbell Scholar (recipient of scholarship from JCF). And this year, I am honored to be named Contributing Scholar at the historic Philosophical Research Society where I conceived, organized, and hosted the first Mythos of Iran Conference in 2023: Liberating Our Stories, Liberating Ourselves. I have a passion for illuminating the landscape of Iranian mythology and supporting others in this work.